- /**
- * @file TinyGsmClientMC60.h
- * @author Volodymyr Shymanskyy
- * @license LGPL-3.0
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Volodymyr Shymanskyy
- * @date Nov 2016
- *
- * @MC60 support added by Tamas Dajka 2017.10.15 - with fixes by Sara Damiano
- *
- */
- // #pragma message("TinyGSM: TinyGsmClientMC60")
- // #define TINY_GSM_DEBUG Serial
- #define TINY_GSM_MUX_COUNT 6
- #include "TinyGsmBattery.tpp"
- #include "TinyGsmCalling.tpp"
- #include "TinyGsmGPRS.tpp"
- #include "TinyGsmModem.tpp"
- #include "TinyGsmSMS.tpp"
- #include "TinyGsmTCP.tpp"
- #include "TinyGsmTime.tpp"
- #define GSM_NL "\r\n"
- static const char GSM_OK[] TINY_GSM_PROGMEM = "OK" GSM_NL;
- static const char GSM_ERROR[] TINY_GSM_PROGMEM = "ERROR" GSM_NL;
- #if defined TINY_GSM_DEBUG
- static const char GSM_CME_ERROR[] TINY_GSM_PROGMEM = GSM_NL "+CME ERROR:";
- static const char GSM_CMS_ERROR[] TINY_GSM_PROGMEM = GSM_NL "+CMS ERROR:";
- #endif
- enum RegStatus {
- REG_OK_HOME = 1,
- };
- class TinyGsmMC60 : public TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmMC60>,
- public TinyGsmGPRS<TinyGsmMC60>,
- public TinyGsmTCP<TinyGsmMC60, TINY_GSM_MUX_COUNT>,
- public TinyGsmCalling<TinyGsmMC60>,
- public TinyGsmSMS<TinyGsmMC60>,
- public TinyGsmTime<TinyGsmMC60>,
- public TinyGsmBattery<TinyGsmMC60> {
- friend class TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmMC60>;
- friend class TinyGsmGPRS<TinyGsmMC60>;
- friend class TinyGsmTCP<TinyGsmMC60, TINY_GSM_MUX_COUNT>;
- friend class TinyGsmCalling<TinyGsmMC60>;
- friend class TinyGsmSMS<TinyGsmMC60>;
- friend class TinyGsmTime<TinyGsmMC60>;
- friend class TinyGsmBattery<TinyGsmMC60>;
- /*
- * Inner Client
- */
- public:
- class GsmClientMC60 : public GsmClient {
- friend class TinyGsmMC60;
- public:
- GsmClientMC60() {}
- explicit GsmClientMC60(TinyGsmMC60& modem, uint8_t mux = 0) {
- init(&modem, mux);
- }
- bool init(TinyGsmMC60* modem, uint8_t mux = 0) {
- this->at = modem;
- sock_available = 0;
- sock_connected = false;
- if (mux < TINY_GSM_MUX_COUNT) {
- this->mux = mux;
- } else {
- this->mux = (mux % TINY_GSM_MUX_COUNT);
- }
- at->sockets[this->mux] = this;
- return true;
- }
- public:
- virtual int connect(const char* host, uint16_t port, int timeout_s) {
- stop();
- rx.clear();
- sock_connected = at->modemConnect(host, port, mux, false, timeout_s);
- return sock_connected;
- }
- void stop(uint32_t maxWaitMs) {
- uint32_t startMillis = millis();
- dumpModemBuffer(maxWaitMs);
- at->sendAT(GF("+QICLOSE="), mux);
- sock_connected = false;
- at->waitResponse((maxWaitMs - (millis() - startMillis)), GF("CLOSED"),
- }
- void stop() override {
- stop(75000L);
- }
- /*
- * Extended API
- */
- };
- /*
- * Inner Secure Client
- */
- /*
- class GsmClientSecureMC60 : public GsmClientMC60
- {
- public:
- GsmClientSecure() {}
- GsmClientSecure(TinyGsmMC60& modem, uint8_t mux = 0)
- : GsmClient(modem, mux)
- {}
- public:
- int connect(const char* host, uint16_t port, int timeout_s) override {
- stop();
- rx.clear();
- sock_connected = at->modemConnect(host, port, mux, true, timeout_s);
- return sock_connected;
- }
- };
- */
- /*
- * Constructor
- */
- public:
- explicit TinyGsmMC60(Stream& stream) : stream(stream) {
- memset(sockets, 0, sizeof(sockets));
- }
- /*
- * Basic functions
- */
- protected:
- bool initImpl(const char* pin = NULL) {
- DBG(GF("### TinyGSM Version:"), TINYGSM_VERSION);
- DBG(GF("### TinyGSM Compiled Module: TinyGsmClientMC60"));
- if (!testAT()) { return false; }
- // sendAT(GF("&FZ")); // Factory + Reset
- // waitResponse();
- sendAT(GF("E0")); // Echo Off
- if (waitResponse() != 1) { return false; }
- sendAT(GF("+CMEE=2")); // turn on verbose error codes
- #else
- sendAT(GF("+CMEE=0")); // turn off error codes
- #endif
- waitResponse();
- DBG(GF("### Modem:"), getModemName());
- // Enable network time synchronization
- sendAT(GF("+QNITZ=1"));
- if (waitResponse(10000L) != 1) { return false; }
- SimStatus ret = getSimStatus();
- // if the sim isn't ready and a pin has been provided, try to unlock the sim
- if (ret != SIM_READY && pin != NULL && strlen(pin) > 0) {
- simUnlock(pin);
- return (getSimStatus() == SIM_READY);
- } else {
- // if the sim is ready, or it's locked but no pin has been provided,
- // return true
- return (ret == SIM_READY || ret == SIM_LOCKED);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Power functions
- */
- protected:
- bool restartImpl(const char* pin = NULL) {
- if (!testAT()) { return false; }
- if (!setPhoneFunctionality(0)) { return false; }
- if (!setPhoneFunctionality(1, true)) { return false; }
- delay(3000);
- return init(pin);
- }
- bool powerOffImpl() {
- sendAT(GF("+QPOWD=1"));
- return waitResponse(GF("NORMAL POWER DOWN")) == 1;
- }
- // When entering into sleep mode is enabled, DTR is pulled up, and WAKEUP_IN
- // is pulled up, the module can directly enter into sleep mode.If entering
- // into sleep mode is enabled, DTR is pulled down, and WAKEUP_IN is pulled
- // down, there is a need to pull the DTR pin and the WAKEUP_IN pin up first,
- // and then the module can enter into sleep mode.
- bool sleepEnableImpl(bool enable = true) {
- sendAT(GF("+QSCLK="), enable);
- return waitResponse() == 1;
- }
- bool setPhoneFunctionalityImpl(uint8_t fun, bool reset = false) {
- sendAT(GF("+CFUN="), fun, reset ? ",1" : "");
- return waitResponse(10000L) == 1;
- }
- /*
- * Generic network functions
- */
- public:
- RegStatus getRegistrationStatus() {
- return (RegStatus)getRegistrationStatusXREG("CREG");
- }
- protected:
- bool isNetworkConnectedImpl() {
- RegStatus s = getRegistrationStatus();
- return (s == REG_OK_HOME || s == REG_OK_ROAMING);
- }
- String getLocalIPImpl() {
- sendAT(GF("+QILOCIP"));
- streamSkipUntil('\n');
- String res = stream.readStringUntil('\n');
- res.trim();
- return res;
- }
- /*
- * GPRS functions
- */
- protected:
- bool gprsConnectImpl(const char* apn, const char* user = NULL,
- const char* pwd = NULL) {
- gprsDisconnect();
- // select foreground context 0 = VIRTUAL_UART_1
- sendAT(GF("+QIFGCNT=0"));
- if (waitResponse() != 1) { return false; }
- // Select GPRS (=1) as the Bearer
- sendAT(GF("+QICSGP=1,\""), apn, GF("\",\""), user, GF("\",\""), pwd,
- GF("\""));
- if (waitResponse() != 1) { return false; }
- // Define PDP context - is this necessary?
- sendAT(GF("+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\""), apn, '"');
- waitResponse();
- // Activate PDP context - is this necessary?
- sendAT(GF("+CGACT=1,1"));
- waitResponse(60000L);
- // Select TCP/IP transfer mode - NOT transparent mode
- sendAT(GF("+QIMODE=0"));
- if (waitResponse() != 1) { return false; }
- // Enable multiple TCP/IP connections
- sendAT(GF("+QIMUX=1"));
- if (waitResponse() != 1) { return false; }
- // Modem is used as a client
- sendAT(GF("+QISRVC=1"));
- if (waitResponse() != 1) { return false; }
- // Start TCPIP Task and Set APN, User Name and Password
- sendAT("+QIREGAPP=\"", apn, "\",\"", user, "\",\"", pwd, "\"");
- if (waitResponse() != 1) { return false; }
- // Activate GPRS/CSD Context
- sendAT(GF("+QIACT"));
- if (waitResponse(60000L) != 1) { return false; }
- // Check that we have a local IP address
- if (localIP() == IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0)) { return false; }
- // Set Method to Handle Received TCP/IP Data
- // Mode=2 - Output a notification statement:
- // +QIRDI: <id>,<sc>,<sid>,<num>,<len>,< tlen>
- sendAT(GF("+QINDI=2"));
- if (waitResponse() != 1) { return false; }
- return true;
- }
- bool gprsDisconnectImpl() {
- sendAT(GF("+QIDEACT")); // Deactivate the bearer context
- return waitResponse(60000L, GF("DEACT OK"), GF("ERROR")) == 1;
- }
- /*
- * SIM card functions
- */
- protected:
- SimStatus getSimStatusImpl(uint32_t timeout_ms = 10000L) {
- for (uint32_t start = millis(); millis() - start < timeout_ms;) {
- sendAT(GF("+CPIN?"));
- if (waitResponse(GF(GSM_NL "+CPIN:")) != 1) {
- delay(1000);
- continue;
- }
- int8_t status = waitResponse(GF("READY"), GF("SIM PIN"), GF("SIM PUK"),
- GF("PH_SIM PUK"));
- waitResponse();
- switch (status) {
- case 2:
- case 3: return SIM_LOCKED;
- case 5:
- case 6: return SIM_ANTITHEFT_LOCKED;
- case 1: return SIM_READY;
- default: return SIM_ERROR;
- }
- }
- return SIM_ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * Phone Call functions
- */
- protected:
- // Can follow all of the phone call functions from the template
- /*
- * Messaging functions
- */
- protected:
- // Can follow all template functions
- public:
- /** Delete all SMS */
- bool deleteAllSMS() {
- sendAT(GF("+QMGDA=6"));
- if (waitResponse(waitResponse(60000L, GF("OK"), GF("ERROR")) == 1)) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /*
- * Time functions
- */
- protected:
- // Can follow the standard CCLK function in the template
- /*
- * Battery functions
- */
- // Can follow battery functions as in the template
- /*
- * Client related functions
- */
- protected:
- bool modemConnect(const char* host, uint16_t port, uint8_t mux,
- bool ssl = false, int timeout_s = 75) {
- if (ssl) { DBG("SSL not yet supported on this module!"); }
- // By default, MC60 expects IP address as 'host' parameter.
- // If it is a domain name, "AT+QIDNSIP=1" should be executed.
- // "AT+QIDNSIP=0" is for dotted decimal IP address.
- IPAddress addr;
- sendAT(GF("+QIDNSIP="), (addr.fromString(host) ? 0 : 1));
- if (waitResponse() != 1) { return false; }
- uint32_t timeout_ms = ((uint32_t)timeout_s) * 1000;
- sendAT(GF("+QIOPEN="), mux, GF(",\""), GF("TCP"), GF("\",\""), host,
- GF("\","), port);
- int8_t rsp = waitResponse(timeout_ms, GF("CONNECT OK" GSM_NL),
- return (1 == rsp);
- }
- int16_t modemSend(const void* buff, size_t len, uint8_t mux) {
- sendAT(GF("+QISEND="), mux, ',', (uint16_t)len);
- if (waitResponse(GF(">")) != 1) { return 0; }
- stream.write(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(buff), len);
- stream.flush();
- if (waitResponse(GF(GSM_NL "SEND OK")) != 1) { return 0; }
- bool allAcknowledged = false;
- // bool failed = false;
- while (!allAcknowledged) {
- sendAT(GF("+QISACK="), mux); // If 'mux' is not specified, MC60 returns
- // 'ERRROR' (for QIMUX == 1)
- if (waitResponse(5000L, GF(GSM_NL "+QISACK:")) != 1) {
- return -1;
- } else {
- streamSkipUntil(','); /** Skip total */
- streamSkipUntil(','); /** Skip acknowledged data size */
- if (streamGetIntBefore('\n') == 0) { allAcknowledged = true; }
- }
- }
- waitResponse(5000L);
- // streamSkipUntil(','); // Skip mux
- // return streamGetIntBefore('\n');
- return len; // TODO(?): verify len/ack
- }
- size_t modemRead(size_t size, uint8_t mux) {
- if (!sockets[mux]) return 0;
- // TODO(?): Does this even work????
- // AT+QIRD=<id>,<sc>,<sid>,<len>
- // id = GPRS context number = 0, set in GPRS connect
- // sc = role in connection = 1, client of connection
- // sid = index of connection = mux
- // len = maximum length of data to retrieve
- sendAT(GF("+QIRD=0,1,"), mux, ',', (uint16_t)size);
- // If it replies only OK for the write command, it means there is no
- // received data in the buffer of the connection.
- int8_t res = waitResponse(GF("+QIRD:"), GFP(GSM_OK), GFP(GSM_ERROR));
- if (res == 1) {
- streamSkipUntil(':'); // skip IP address
- streamSkipUntil(','); // skip port
- streamSkipUntil(','); // skip connection type (TCP/UDP)
- // read the real length of the retrieved data
- uint16_t len = streamGetIntBefore('\n');
- // It's possible that the real length available is less than expected
- // This is quite likely if the buffer is broken into packets - which may
- // be different sizes.
- // If so, make sure we make sure we re-set the amount of data available.
- if (len < size) { sockets[mux]->sock_available = len; }
- for (uint16_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- moveCharFromStreamToFifo(mux);
- sockets[mux]->sock_available--;
- // ^^ One less character available after moving from modem's FIFO to our
- // FIFO
- }
- waitResponse(); // ends with an OK
- // DBG("### READ:", len, "from", mux);
- return len;
- } else {
- sockets[mux]->sock_available = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- // Not possible to check the number of characters remaining in buffer
- size_t modemGetAvailable(uint8_t) {
- return 0;
- }
- bool modemGetConnected(uint8_t mux) {
- sendAT(GF("+QISTATE=1,"), mux);
- // +QISTATE: 0,"TCP","",80,5087,4,1,0,0,"uart1"
- if (waitResponse(GF("+QISTATE:")) != 1) { return false; }
- streamSkipUntil(','); // Skip mux
- streamSkipUntil(','); // Skip socket type
- streamSkipUntil(','); // Skip remote ip
- streamSkipUntil(','); // Skip remote port
- streamSkipUntil(','); // Skip local port
- int8_t res = streamGetIntBefore(','); // socket state
- waitResponse();
- // 0 Initial, 1 Opening, 2 Connected, 3 Listening, 4 Closing
- return 2 == res;
- }
- /*
- * Utilities
- */
- public:
- // TODO(vshymanskyy): Optimize this!
- int8_t waitResponse(uint32_t timeout_ms, String& data,
- GsmConstStr r1 = GFP(GSM_OK),
- GsmConstStr r2 = GFP(GSM_ERROR),
- #if defined TINY_GSM_DEBUG
- GsmConstStr r3 = GFP(GSM_CME_ERROR),
- GsmConstStr r4 = GFP(GSM_CMS_ERROR),
- #else
- GsmConstStr r3 = NULL, GsmConstStr r4 = NULL,
- #endif
- GsmConstStr r5 = NULL, GsmConstStr r6 = NULL) {
- /*String r1s(r1); r1s.trim();
- String r2s(r2); r2s.trim();
- String r3s(r3); r3s.trim();
- String r4s(r4); r4s.trim();
- String r5s(r5); r5s.trim();
- String r6s(r6); r6s.trim();
- DBG("### ..:", r1s, ",", r2s, ",", r3s, ",", r4s, ",", r5s, ",", r6s);*/
- data.reserve(64);
- uint8_t index = 0;
- uint32_t startMillis = millis();
- do {
- while (stream.available() > 0) {
- int8_t a = stream.read();
- if (a <= 0) continue; // Skip 0x00 bytes, just in case
- data += static_cast<char>(a);
- if (r1 && data.endsWith(r1)) {
- index = 1;
- goto finish;
- } else if (r2 && data.endsWith(r2)) {
- index = 2;
- goto finish;
- } else if (r3 && data.endsWith(r3)) {
- #if defined TINY_GSM_DEBUG
- if (r3 == GFP(GSM_CME_ERROR)) {
- streamSkipUntil('\n'); // Read out the error
- }
- #endif
- index = 3;
- goto finish;
- } else if (r4 && data.endsWith(r4)) {
- index = 4;
- goto finish;
- } else if (r5 && data.endsWith(r5)) {
- index = 5;
- goto finish;
- } else if (r6 && data.endsWith(r6)) {
- index = 6;
- goto finish;
- } else if (data.endsWith(
- GF(GSM_NL "+QIRDI:"))) { // TODO(?): QIRD? or QIRDI?
- // +QIRDI: <id>,<sc>,<sid>,<num>,<len>,< tlen>
- streamSkipUntil(','); // Skip the context
- streamSkipUntil(','); // Skip the role
- // read the connection id
- int8_t mux = streamGetIntBefore(',');
- // read the number of packets in the buffer
- int8_t num_packets = streamGetIntBefore(',');
- // read the length of the current packet
- streamSkipUntil(
- ','); // Skip the length of the current package in the buffer
- int16_t len_total =
- streamGetIntBefore('\n'); // Total length of all packages
- if (mux >= 0 && mux < TINY_GSM_MUX_COUNT && sockets[mux] &&
- num_packets >= 0 && len_total >= 0) {
- sockets[mux]->sock_available = len_total;
- }
- data = "";
- // DBG("### Got Data:", len_total, "on", mux);
- } else if (data.endsWith(GF("CLOSED" GSM_NL))) {
- int8_t nl = data.lastIndexOf(GSM_NL, data.length() - 8);
- int8_t coma = data.indexOf(',', nl + 2);
- int8_t mux = data.substring(nl + 2, coma).toInt();
- if (mux >= 0 && mux < TINY_GSM_MUX_COUNT && sockets[mux]) {
- sockets[mux]->sock_connected = false;
- }
- data = "";
- DBG("### Closed: ", mux);
- } else if (data.endsWith(GF("+QNITZ:"))) {
- streamSkipUntil('\n'); // URC for time sync
- DBG("### Network time updated.");
- data = "";
- }
- }
- } while (millis() - startMillis < timeout_ms);
- finish:
- if (!index) {
- data.trim();
- if (data.length()) { DBG("### Unhandled:", data); }
- data = "";
- }
- // data.replace(GSM_NL, "/");
- // DBG('<', index, '>', data);
- return index;
- }
- int8_t waitResponse(uint32_t timeout_ms, GsmConstStr r1 = GFP(GSM_OK),
- GsmConstStr r2 = GFP(GSM_ERROR),
- #if defined TINY_GSM_DEBUG
- GsmConstStr r3 = GFP(GSM_CME_ERROR),
- GsmConstStr r4 = GFP(GSM_CMS_ERROR),
- #else
- GsmConstStr r3 = NULL, GsmConstStr r4 = NULL,
- #endif
- GsmConstStr r5 = NULL, GsmConstStr r6 = NULL) {
- String data;
- return waitResponse(timeout_ms, data, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6);
- }
- int8_t waitResponse(GsmConstStr r1 = GFP(GSM_OK),
- GsmConstStr r2 = GFP(GSM_ERROR),
- #if defined TINY_GSM_DEBUG
- GsmConstStr r3 = GFP(GSM_CME_ERROR),
- GsmConstStr r4 = GFP(GSM_CMS_ERROR),
- #else
- GsmConstStr r3 = NULL, GsmConstStr r4 = NULL,
- #endif
- GsmConstStr r5 = NULL, GsmConstStr r6 = NULL) {
- return waitResponse(1000, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6);
- }
- public:
- Stream& stream;
- protected:
- GsmClientMC60* sockets[TINY_GSM_MUX_COUNT];
- const char* gsmNL = GSM_NL;
- };