- /**
- * @file TinyGsmClientSIM808.h
- * @author Volodymyr Shymanskyy
- * @license LGPL-3.0
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Volodymyr Shymanskyy
- * @date Nov 2016
- */
- // #pragma message("TinyGSM: TinyGsmClientSIM808")
- #include "TinyGsmClientSIM800.h"
- #include "TinyGsmGPS.tpp"
- class TinyGsmSim808 : public TinyGsmSim800, public TinyGsmGPS<TinyGsmSim808> {
- friend class TinyGsmGPS<TinyGsmSim808>;
- public:
- explicit TinyGsmSim808(Stream& stream) : TinyGsmSim800(stream) {}
- /*
- * GPS/GNSS/GLONASS location functions
- */
- protected:
- // enable GPS
- bool enableGPSImpl() {
- sendAT(GF("+CGNSPWR=1"));
- if (waitResponse() != 1) { return false; }
- return true;
- }
- bool disableGPSImpl() {
- sendAT(GF("+CGNSPWR=0"));
- if (waitResponse() != 1) { return false; }
- return true;
- }
- // get the RAW GPS output
- // works only with ans SIM808 V2
- String getGPSrawImpl() {
- sendAT(GF("+CGNSINF"));
- if (waitResponse(10000L, GF(GSM_NL "+CGNSINF:")) != 1) { return ""; }
- String res = stream.readStringUntil('\n');
- waitResponse();
- res.trim();
- return res;
- }
- // get GPS informations
- // works only with ans SIM808 V2
- bool getGPSImpl(float* lat, float* lon, float* speed = 0, float* alt = 0,
- int* vsat = 0, int* usat = 0, float* accuracy = 0,
- int* year = 0, int* month = 0, int* day = 0, int* hour = 0,
- int* minute = 0, int* second = 0) {
- sendAT(GF("+CGNSINF"));
- if (waitResponse(10000L, GF(GSM_NL "+CGNSINF:")) != 1) { return false; }
- streamSkipUntil(','); // GNSS run status
- if (streamGetIntBefore(',') == 1) { // fix status
- // init variables
- float ilat = 0;
- float ilon = 0;
- float ispeed = 0;
- float ialt = 0;
- int ivsat = 0;
- int iusat = 0;
- float iaccuracy = 0;
- int iyear = 0;
- int imonth = 0;
- int iday = 0;
- int ihour = 0;
- int imin = 0;
- float secondWithSS = 0;
- // UTC date & Time
- iyear = streamGetIntLength(4); // Four digit year
- imonth = streamGetIntLength(2); // Two digit month
- iday = streamGetIntLength(2); // Two digit day
- ihour = streamGetIntLength(2); // Two digit hour
- imin = streamGetIntLength(2); // Two digit minute
- secondWithSS =
- streamGetFloatBefore(','); // 6 digit second with subseconds
- ilat = streamGetFloatBefore(','); // Latitude
- ilon = streamGetFloatBefore(','); // Longitude
- ialt = streamGetFloatBefore(','); // MSL Altitude. Unit is meters
- ispeed = streamGetFloatBefore(','); // Speed Over Ground. Unit is knots.
- streamSkipUntil(','); // Course Over Ground. Degrees.
- streamSkipUntil(','); // Fix Mode
- streamSkipUntil(','); // Reserved1
- iaccuracy =
- streamGetFloatBefore(','); // Horizontal Dilution Of Precision
- streamSkipUntil(','); // Position Dilution Of Precision
- streamSkipUntil(','); // Vertical Dilution Of Precision
- streamSkipUntil(','); // Reserved2
- ivsat = streamGetIntBefore(','); // GNSS Satellites in View
- iusat = streamGetIntBefore(','); // GNSS Satellites Used
- streamSkipUntil(','); // GLONASS Satellites Used
- streamSkipUntil(','); // Reserved3
- streamSkipUntil(','); // C/N0 max
- streamSkipUntil(','); // HPA
- streamSkipUntil('\n'); // VPA
- // Set pointers
- if (lat != NULL) *lat = ilat;
- if (lon != NULL) *lon = ilon;
- if (speed != NULL) *speed = ispeed;
- if (alt != NULL) *alt = ialt;
- if (vsat != NULL) *vsat = ivsat;
- if (usat != NULL) *usat = iusat;
- if (accuracy != NULL) *accuracy = iaccuracy;
- if (iyear < 2000) iyear += 2000;
- if (year != NULL) *year = iyear;
- if (month != NULL) *month = imonth;
- if (day != NULL) *day = iday;
- if (hour != NULL) *hour = ihour;
- if (minute != NULL) *minute = imin;
- if (second != NULL) *second = static_cast<int>(secondWithSS);
- waitResponse();
- return true;
- }
- streamSkipUntil('\n'); // toss the row of commas
- waitResponse();
- return false;
- }
- };