- /**
- * @file TinyGsmTCP.tpp
- * @author Volodymyr Shymanskyy
- * @license LGPL-3.0
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Volodymyr Shymanskyy
- * @date Nov 2016
- */
- #include "TinyGsmCommon.h"
- #include "TinyGsmFifo.h"
- #if !defined(TINY_GSM_RX_BUFFER)
- #define TINY_GSM_RX_BUFFER 64
- #endif
- // Because of the ordering of resolution of overrides in templates, these need
- // to be written out every time. This macro is to shorten that.
- int connect(IPAddress ip, uint16_t port, int timeout_s) { \
- return connect(TinyGsmStringFromIp(ip).c_str(), port, timeout_s); \
- } \
- int connect(const char* host, uint16_t port) override { \
- return connect(host, port, 75); \
- } \
- int connect(IPAddress ip, uint16_t port) override { \
- return connect(ip, port, 75); \
- }
- // // For modules that do not store incoming data in any sort of buffer
- // // Data is stored in a buffer, but we can only read from the buffer,
- // // not check how much data is stored in it
- // // Data is stored in a buffer and we can both read and check the size
- // // of the buffer
- template <class modemType, uint8_t muxCount>
- class TinyGsmTCP {
- public:
- /*
- * Basic functions
- */
- void maintain() {
- return thisModem().maintainImpl();
- }
- /*
- * CRTP Helper
- */
- protected:
- inline const modemType& thisModem() const {
- return static_cast<const modemType&>(*this);
- }
- inline modemType& thisModem() {
- return static_cast<modemType&>(*this);
- }
- /*
- * Inner Client
- */
- public:
- class GsmClient : public Client {
- // Make all classes created from the modem template friends
- friend class TinyGsmTCP<modemType, muxCount>;
- typedef TinyGsmFifo<uint8_t, TINY_GSM_RX_BUFFER> RxFifo;
- public:
- // bool init(modemType* modem, uint8_t);
- // int connect(const char* host, uint16_t port, int timeout_s);
- // Connect to a IP address given as an IPAddress object by
- // converting said IP address to text
- // virtual int connect(IPAddress ip,uint16_t port, int timeout_s) {
- // return connect(TinyGsmStringFromIp(ip).c_str(), port,
- // timeout_s);
- // }
- // int connect(const char* host, uint16_t port) override {
- // return connect(host, port, 75);
- // }
- // int connect(IPAddress ip,uint16_t port) override {
- // return connect(ip, port, 75);
- // }
- static inline String TinyGsmStringFromIp(IPAddress ip) {
- String host;
- host.reserve(16);
- host += ip[0];
- host += ".";
- host += ip[1];
- host += ".";
- host += ip[2];
- host += ".";
- host += ip[3];
- return host;
- }
- // void stop(uint32_t maxWaitMs);
- // void stop() override {
- // stop(15000L);
- // }
- // Writes data out on the client using the modem send functionality
- size_t write(const uint8_t* buf, size_t size) override {
- at->maintain();
- return at->modemSend(buf, size, mux);
- }
- size_t write(uint8_t c) override {
- return write(&c, 1);
- }
- size_t write(const char* str) {
- if (str == NULL) return 0;
- return write((const uint8_t*)str, strlen(str));
- }
- int available() override {
- // Returns the number of characters available in the TinyGSM fifo
- if (!rx.size() && sock_connected) { at->maintain(); }
- return rx.size();
- // Returns the combined number of characters available in the TinyGSM
- // fifo and the modem chips internal fifo.
- if (!rx.size()) { at->maintain(); }
- return rx.size() + sock_available;
- // Returns the combined number of characters available in the TinyGSM
- // fifo and the modem chips internal fifo, doing an extra check-in
- // with the modem to see if anything has arrived without a UURC.
- if (!rx.size()) {
- if (millis() - prev_check > 500) {
- got_data = true;
- prev_check = millis();
- }
- at->maintain();
- }
- return rx.size() + sock_available;
- #else
- #error Modem client has been incorrectly created
- #endif
- }
- int read(uint8_t* buf, size_t size) override {
- size_t cnt = 0;
- // Reads characters out of the TinyGSM fifo, waiting for any URC's
- // from the modem for new data if there's nothing in the fifo.
- uint32_t _startMillis = millis();
- while (cnt < size && millis() - _startMillis < _timeout) {
- size_t chunk = TinyGsmMin(size - cnt, rx.size());
- if (chunk > 0) {
- rx.get(buf, chunk);
- buf += chunk;
- cnt += chunk;
- continue;
- } /* TODO: Read directly into user buffer? */
- if (!rx.size() && sock_connected) { at->maintain(); }
- }
- return cnt;
- // Reads characters out of the TinyGSM fifo, and from the modem chip's
- // internal fifo if avaiable.
- at->maintain();
- while (cnt < size) {
- size_t chunk = TinyGsmMin(size - cnt, rx.size());
- if (chunk > 0) {
- rx.get(buf, chunk);
- buf += chunk;
- cnt += chunk;
- continue;
- } /* TODO: Read directly into user buffer? */
- at->maintain();
- if (sock_available > 0) {
- int n = at->modemRead(TinyGsmMin((uint16_t)rx.free(), sock_available),
- mux);
- if (n == 0) break;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- return cnt;
- // Reads characters out of the TinyGSM fifo, and from the modem chips
- // internal fifo if avaiable, also double checking with the modem if
- // data has arrived without issuing a UURC.
- at->maintain();
- while (cnt < size) {
- size_t chunk = TinyGsmMin(size - cnt, rx.size());
- if (chunk > 0) {
- rx.get(buf, chunk);
- buf += chunk;
- cnt += chunk;
- continue;
- }
- // Workaround: Some modules "forget" to notify about data arrival
- if (millis() - prev_check > 500) {
- got_data = true;
- prev_check = millis();
- }
- // TODO(vshymanskyy): Read directly into user buffer?
- at->maintain();
- if (sock_available > 0) {
- int n = at->modemRead(TinyGsmMin((uint16_t)rx.free(), sock_available),
- mux);
- if (n == 0) break;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- return cnt;
- #else
- #error Modem client has been incorrectly created
- #endif
- }
- int read() override {
- uint8_t c;
- if (read(&c, 1) == 1) { return c; }
- return -1;
- }
- // TODO(SRGDamia1): Implement peek
- int peek() override {
- return -1;
- }
- void flush() override {
- at->stream.flush();
- }
- uint8_t connected() override {
- if (available()) { return true; }
- return sock_connected;
- }
- operator bool() override {
- return connected();
- }
- /*
- * Extended API
- */
- protected:
- // Read and dump anything remaining in the modem's internal buffer.
- // Using this in the client stop() function.
- // The socket will appear open in response to connected() even after it
- // closes until all data is read from the buffer.
- // Doing it this way allows the external mcu to find and get all of the
- // data that it wants from the socket even if it was closed externally.
- inline void dumpModemBuffer(uint32_t maxWaitMs) {
- uint32_t startMillis = millis();
- while (sock_available > 0 && (millis() - startMillis < maxWaitMs)) {
- rx.clear();
- DBG(TinyGsmMin((uint16_t)rx.free(), sock_available));
- at->modemRead(TinyGsmMin((uint16_t)rx.free(), sock_available), mux);
- }
- #elif defined TINY_GSM_NO_MODEM_BUFFER
- // Do nothing
- #else
- #error Modem client has been incorrectly created
- #endif
- }
- modemType* at;
- uint8_t mux;
- uint16_t sock_available;
- uint32_t prev_check;
- bool sock_connected;
- bool got_data;
- RxFifo rx;
- };
- /*
- * Basic functions
- */
- protected:
- void maintainImpl() {
- // Keep listening for modem URC's and proactively iterate through
- // sockets asking if any data is avaiable
- for (int mux = 0; mux < muxCount; mux++) {
- GsmClient* sock = thisModem().sockets[mux];
- if (sock && sock->got_data) {
- sock->got_data = false;
- sock->sock_available = thisModem().modemGetAvailable(mux);
- }
- }
- while (thisModem().stream.available()) {
- thisModem().waitResponse(15, NULL, NULL);
- }
- // Just listen for any URC's
- thisModem().waitResponse(100, NULL, NULL);
- #else
- #error Modem client has been incorrectly created
- #endif
- }
- // Yields up to a time-out period and then reads a character from the stream
- // into the mux FIFO
- // TODO(SRGDamia1): Do we need to wait two _timeout periods for no
- // character return? Will wait once in the first "while
- // !stream.available()" and then will wait again in the stream.read()
- // function.
- inline void moveCharFromStreamToFifo(uint8_t mux) {
- uint32_t startMillis = millis();
- while (!thisModem().stream.available() &&
- (millis() - startMillis < thisModem().sockets[mux]->_timeout)) {
- }
- char c = thisModem().stream.read();
- thisModem().sockets[mux]->rx.put(c);
- }
- };
- #endif // SRC_TINYGSMTCP_H_