- /**
- * @file TinyGsmClientXBee.h
- * @author Volodymyr Shymanskyy
- * @license LGPL-3.0
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Volodymyr Shymanskyy, XBee module by Sara
- * Damiano
- * @date Nov 2016
- */
- // #pragma message("TinyGSM: TinyGsmClientXBee")
- // #define TINY_GSM_DEBUG Serial
- // XBee's do not support multi-plexing in transparent/command mode
- // The much more complicated API mode is needed for multi-plexing
- #define TINY_GSM_MUX_COUNT 1
- // XBee's have a default guard time of 1 second (1000ms, 10 extra for safety
- // here)
- #include "TinyGsmBattery.tpp"
- #include "TinyGsmGPRS.tpp"
- #include "TinyGsmModem.tpp"
- #include "TinyGsmSMS.tpp"
- #include "TinyGsmSSL.tpp"
- #include "TinyGsmTCP.tpp"
- #include "TinyGsmTemperature.tpp"
- #include "TinyGsmWifi.tpp"
- #define GSM_NL "\r"
- static const char GSM_OK[] TINY_GSM_PROGMEM = "OK" GSM_NL;
- static const char GSM_ERROR[] TINY_GSM_PROGMEM = "ERROR" GSM_NL;
- // Use this to avoid too many entrances and exits from command mode.
- // The cellular Bee's often freeze up and won't respond when attempting
- // to enter command mode too many times.
- #define XBEE_COMMAND_START_DECORATOR(nAttempts, failureReturn) \
- bool wasInCommandMode = inCommandMode; \
- if (!wasInCommandMode) { /* don't re-enter command mode if already in it */ \
- if (!commandMode(nAttempts)) \
- return failureReturn; /* Return immediately if fails */ \
- }
- if (!wasInCommandMode) { /* only exit if we weren't in command mode */ \
- exitCommand(); \
- }
- enum RegStatus {
- REG_OK = 0,
- };
- // These are responses to the HS command to get "hardware series"
- enum XBeeType {
- XBEE_S6B_WIFI = 0x601, // Digi XBee Wi-Fi
- XBEE_LTE1_VZN = 0xB01, // Digi XBee Cellular LTE Cat 1
- XBEE_3G = 0xB02, // Digi XBee Cellular 3G
- XBEE3_LTE1_ATT = 0xB06, // Digi XBee3 Cellular LTE CAT 1
- XBEE3_LTEM_ATT = 0xB08, // Digi XBee3 Cellular LTE-M
- };
- class TinyGsmXBee
- : public TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmXBee>,
- public TinyGsmGPRS<TinyGsmXBee>,
- public TinyGsmWifi<TinyGsmXBee>,
- public TinyGsmSSL<TinyGsmXBee>,
- public TinyGsmSMS<TinyGsmXBee>,
- public TinyGsmBattery<TinyGsmXBee>,
- public TinyGsmTemperature<TinyGsmXBee> {
- friend class TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmXBee>;
- friend class TinyGsmGPRS<TinyGsmXBee>;
- friend class TinyGsmWifi<TinyGsmXBee>;
- friend class TinyGsmTCP<TinyGsmXBee, NO_MODEM_BUFFER, TINY_GSM_MUX_COUNT>;
- friend class TinyGsmSSL<TinyGsmXBee>;
- friend class TinyGsmSMS<TinyGsmXBee>;
- friend class TinyGsmBattery<TinyGsmXBee>;
- friend class TinyGsmTemperature<TinyGsmXBee>;
- /*
- * Inner Client
- */
- public:
- class GsmClientXBee : public GsmClient {
- friend class TinyGsmXBee;
- public:
- GsmClientXBee() {}
- explicit GsmClientXBee(TinyGsmXBee& modem, uint8_t mux = 0) {
- init(&modem, mux);
- }
- bool init(TinyGsmXBee* modem, uint8_t mux = 0) {
- this->at = modem;
- this->mux = mux;
- sock_connected = false;
- at->sockets[mux] = this;
- return true;
- }
- public:
- // NOTE: The XBee saves all connection information (ssid/pwd or apn AND
- // last used IP address) in flash (NVM). When you turn it on it immediately
- // prepares to re-connect to whatever was last set. The TCP connection
- // itself is not opened until you attempt to send data. Because all settings
- // are saved to flash, it is possible (or likely) that you could send data
- // even if you haven't "made" any connection.
- virtual int connect(const char* host, uint16_t port, int timeout_s) {
- // NOTE: Not caling stop() or yeild() here
- at->streamClear(); // Empty anything in the buffer before starting
- sock_connected = at->modemConnect(host, port, mux, false, timeout_s);
- return sock_connected;
- }
- int connect(const char* host, uint16_t port) override {
- return connect(host, port, 75);
- }
- virtual int connect(IPAddress ip, uint16_t port, int timeout_s) {
- if (timeout_s != 0) {
- DBG("Timeout [", timeout_s, "] doesn't apply here.");
- }
- // NOTE: Not caling stop() or yeild() here
- at->streamClear(); // Empty anything in the buffer before starting
- sock_connected = at->modemConnect(ip, port, mux, false);
- return sock_connected;
- }
- int connect(IPAddress ip, uint16_t port) override {
- return connect(ip, port, 0);
- }
- virtual void stop(uint32_t maxWaitMs) {
- at->streamClear(); // Empty anything in the buffer
- // empty the saved currently-in-use destination address
- at->modemStop(maxWaitMs);
- at->streamClear(); // Empty anything in the buffer
- sock_connected = false;
- // Note: because settings are saved in flash, the XBEE will attempt to
- // reconnect to the previous socket if it receives any outgoing data.
- // Setting sock_connected to false after the stop ensures that connected()
- // will return false after a stop has been ordered. This makes it play
- // much more nicely with libraries like PubSubClient.
- }
- void stop() override {
- stop(5000L);
- }
- size_t write(const uint8_t* buf, size_t size) override {
- return at->modemSend(buf, size, mux);
- }
- size_t write(uint8_t c) override {
- return write(&c, 1);
- }
- size_t write(const char* str) {
- if (str == NULL) return 0;
- return write((const uint8_t*)str, strlen(str));
- }
- int available() override {
- return at->stream.available();
- /*
- if (!rx.size() || at->stream.available()) {
- at->maintain();
- }
- return at->stream.available() + rx.size();
- */
- }
- int read(uint8_t* buf, size_t size) override {
- return at->stream.readBytes(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), size);
- /*
- size_t cnt = 0;
- uint32_t _startMillis = millis();
- while (cnt < size && millis() - _startMillis < _timeout) {
- size_t chunk = TinyGsmMin(size-cnt, rx.size());
- if (chunk > 0) {
- rx.get(buf, chunk);
- buf += chunk;
- cnt += chunk;
- continue;
- }
- // TODO(vshymanskyy): Read directly into user buffer?
- if (!rx.size() || at->stream.available()) {
- at->maintain();
- }
- }
- return cnt;
- */
- }
- int read() override {
- return at->stream.read();
- /*
- uint8_t c;
- if (read(&c, 1) == 1) {
- return c;
- }
- return -1;
- */
- }
- int peek() override {
- return at->stream.peek();
- }
- void flush() override {
- at->stream.flush();
- }
- uint8_t connected() override {
- if (available()) {
- return true;
- // if we never got an IP, it can't be connected
- } else if (at->savedIP == IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0)) {
- return false;
- }
- return sock_connected;
- // NOTE: We don't check or return
- // modemGetConnected() because we don't
- // want to go into command mode.
- // return at->modemGetConnected();
- }
- operator bool() override {
- return connected();
- }
- /*
- * Extended API
- */
- };
- /*
- * Inner Secure Client
- */
- public:
- class GsmClientSecureXBee : public GsmClientXBee {
- public:
- GsmClientSecureXBee() {}
- explicit GsmClientSecureXBee(TinyGsmXBee& modem, uint8_t mux = 0)
- : GsmClientXBee(modem, mux) {}
- public:
- int connect(const char* host, uint16_t port, int timeout_s) override {
- // NOTE: Not caling stop() or yeild() here
- at->streamClear(); // Empty anything in the buffer before starting
- sock_connected = at->modemConnect(host, port, mux, true, timeout_s);
- return sock_connected;
- }
- int connect(const char* host, uint16_t port) override {
- return connect(host, port, 75);
- }
- int connect(IPAddress ip, uint16_t port, int timeout_s) override {
- if (timeout_s != 0) {
- DBG("Timeout [", timeout_s, "] doesn't apply here.");
- }
- // NOTE: Not caling stop() or yeild() here
- at->streamClear(); // Empty anything in the buffer before starting
- sock_connected = at->modemConnect(ip, port, mux, true);
- return sock_connected;
- }
- int connect(IPAddress ip, uint16_t port) override {
- return connect(ip, port, 0);
- }
- };
- /*
- * Constructor
- */
- public:
- explicit TinyGsmXBee(Stream& stream)
- : stream(stream),
- beeType(XBEE_UNKNOWN),
- resetPin(-1),
- savedIP(IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0)),
- savedHost(""),
- savedHostIP(IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0)),
- savedOperatingIP(IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0)),
- inCommandMode(false),
- lastCommandModeMillis(0) {
- // Start not knowing what kind of bee it is
- // Start with the default guard time of 1 second
- memset(sockets, 0, sizeof(sockets));
- }
- TinyGsmXBee(Stream& stream, int8_t resetPin)
- : stream(stream),
- beeType(XBEE_UNKNOWN),
- resetPin(resetPin),
- savedIP(IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0)),
- savedHost(""),
- savedHostIP(IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0)),
- savedOperatingIP(IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0)),
- inCommandMode(false),
- lastCommandModeMillis(0) {
- // Start not knowing what kind of bee it is
- // Start with the default guard time of 1 second
- memset(sockets, 0, sizeof(sockets));
- }
- /*
- * Basic functions
- */
- bool initImpl(const char* pin = NULL) {
- DBG(GF("### TinyGSM Version:"), TINYGSM_VERSION);
- if (resetPin >= 0) {
- pinMode(resetPin, OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(resetPin, HIGH);
- }
- if (pin && strlen(pin) > 0) {
- DBG("XBee's do not support SIMs that require an unlock pin!");
- }
- sendAT(GF("AP0")); // Put in transparent mode
- bool ret_val = waitResponse() == 1;
- sendAT(GF("GT64")); // shorten the guard time to 100ms
- ret_val &= waitResponse() == 1;
- if (ret_val) guardTime = 110;
- // Make sure the command mode drop-out time is long enough that we won't
- // fall out of command mode without intentionally leaving it. This is the
- // default drop out time of 0x64 x 100ms (10 seconds)
- sendAT(GF("CT64"));
- ret_val &= waitResponse() == 1;
- ret_val &= writeChanges();
- getSeries(); // Get the "Hardware Series";
- return ret_val;
- }
- String getModemNameImpl() {
- return getBeeName();
- }
- void setBaudImpl(uint32_t baud) {
- switch (baud) {
- case 2400: sendAT(GF("BD1")); break;
- case 4800: sendAT(GF("BD2")); break;
- case 9600: sendAT(GF("BD3")); break;
- case 19200: sendAT(GF("BD4")); break;
- case 38400: sendAT(GF("BD5")); break;
- case 57600: sendAT(GF("BD6")); break;
- case 115200: sendAT(GF("BD7")); break;
- case 230400: sendAT(GF("BD8")); break;
- case 460800: sendAT(GF("BD9")); break;
- case 921600: sendAT(GF("BDA")); break;
- default: {
- DBG(GF("Specified baud rate is unsupported! Setting to 9600 baud."));
- sendAT(GF("BD3")); // Set to default of 9600
- break;
- }
- }
- waitResponse();
- writeChanges();
- }
- bool testATImpl(uint32_t timeout_ms = 10000L) {
- uint32_t start = millis();
- bool success = false;
- while (!success && millis() - start < timeout_ms) {
- if (!inCommandMode) {
- success = commandMode();
- if (success) exitCommand();
- } else {
- sendAT();
- if (waitResponse(200) == 1) {
- success = true;
- } else {
- // if we didn't respond to the AT, assume we're not in command mode
- inCommandMode = false;
- }
- }
- delay(250);
- }
- return success;
- }
- void maintainImpl() {
- // this only happens OUTSIDE command mode, so if we're getting characters
- // they should be data received from the TCP connection
- // if (!inCommandMode) {
- // while (stream.available()) {
- // char c = stream.read();
- // if (c > 0) sockets[0]->rx.put(c);
- // }
- // }
- }
- bool factoryDefaultImpl() {
- sendAT(GF("RE"));
- bool ret_val = waitResponse() == 1;
- ret_val &= writeChanges();
- // Make sure the guard time for the modem object is set back to default
- // otherwise communication would fail after the reset
- guardTime = 1010;
- return ret_val;
- }
- String getModemInfoImpl() {
- return sendATGetString(GF("HS"));
- }
- /*
- bool thisHasSSL() {
- if (beeType == XBEE_S6B_WIFI)
- return false;
- else
- return true;
- }
- bool thisHasWifi() {
- if (beeType == XBEE_S6B_WIFI)
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- bool thisHasGPRS() {
- if (beeType == XBEE_S6B_WIFI)
- return false;
- else
- return true;
- }
- */
- public:
- XBeeType getBeeType() {
- return beeType;
- }
- String getBeeName() {
- switch (beeType) {
- case XBEE_S6B_WIFI: return "Digi XBee Wi-Fi";
- case XBEE_LTE1_VZN: return "Digi XBee Cellular LTE Cat 1";
- case XBEE_3G: return "Digi XBee Cellular 3G";
- case XBEE3_LTE1_ATT: return "Digi XBee3 Cellular LTE CAT 1";
- case XBEE3_LTEM_ATT: return "Digi XBee3 Cellular LTE-M";
- default: return "Digi XBee";
- }
- }
- /*
- * Power functions
- */
- protected:
- // The XBee's have a bad habit of getting into an unresponsive funk
- // This uses the board's hardware reset pin to force it to reset
- void pinReset() {
- if (resetPin >= 0) {
- DBG("### Forcing a modem reset!\r\n");
- digitalWrite(resetPin, LOW);
- delay(1);
- digitalWrite(resetPin, HIGH);
- }
- }
- bool restartImpl() {
- if (!commandMode()) { return false; } // Return immediately
- if (beeType == XBEE_UNKNOWN) getSeries(); // how we restart depends on this
- if (beeType != XBEE_S6B_WIFI) {
- sendAT(GF("AM1")); // Digi suggests putting cellular modules into
- // airplane mode before restarting This allows the
- // sockets and connections to close cleanly
- if (waitResponse() != 1) return exitAndFail();
- if (!writeChanges()) return exitAndFail();
- }
- sendAT(GF("FR"));
- if (waitResponse() != 1)
- return exitAndFail();
- else
- inCommandMode = false; // Reset effectively exits command mode
- if (beeType == XBEE_S6B_WIFI)
- delay(2000); // Wifi module actually resets about 2 seconds later
- else
- delay(100); // cellular modules wait 100ms before reset happens
- // Wait until reboot completes and XBee responds to command mode call again
- for (uint32_t start = millis(); millis() - start < 60000L;) {
- if (commandMode(1)) break;
- delay(250); // wait a litle before trying again
- }
- if (beeType != XBEE_S6B_WIFI) {
- sendAT(GF("AM0")); // Turn off airplane mode
- if (waitResponse() != 1) return exitAndFail();
- if (!writeChanges()) return exitAndFail();
- }
- exitCommand();
- return init();
- }
- void setupPinSleep(bool maintainAssociation = false) {
- if (beeType == XBEE_UNKNOWN) getSeries(); // Command depends on series
- sendAT(GF("SM"), 1); // Pin sleep
- waitResponse();
- if (beeType == XBEE_S6B_WIFI && !maintainAssociation) {
- sendAT(GF("SO"), 200); // For lowest power, dissassociated deep sleep
- waitResponse();
- } else if (!maintainAssociation) {
- sendAT(GF("SO"),
- 1); // For supported cellular modules, maintain association
- // Not supported by all modules, will return "ERROR"
- waitResponse();
- }
- writeChanges();
- }
- bool
- powerOffImpl() { // NOTE: Not supported for WiFi or older cellular firmware
- sendAT(GF("SD"));
- bool ret_val = waitResponse(120000L) == 1;
- if (ret_val) { ret_val &= (sendATGetString(GF("AI")) == "2D"); }
- return ret_val;
- }
- // Enable airplane mode
- bool radioOffImpl() {
- sendAT(GF("AM1"));
- int8_t res = (1 == waitResponse(5000));
- writeChanges();
- return res;
- }
- bool sleepEnableImpl(bool enable = true) TINY_GSM_ATTR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
- /*
- * Generic network functions
- */
- public:
- RegStatus getRegistrationStatus() {
- if (!inCommandMode) return REG_UNKNOWN; // Return immediately
- if (beeType == XBEE_UNKNOWN)
- getSeries(); // Need to know the bee type to interpret response
- sendAT(GF("AI"));
- int16_t intRes = readResponseInt(10000L);
- RegStatus stat = REG_UNKNOWN;
- switch (beeType) {
- case XBEE_S6B_WIFI: {
- switch (intRes) {
- case 0x00: // 0x00 Successfully joined an access point, established
- // IP addresses and IP listening sockets
- stat = REG_OK;
- break;
- case 0x01: // 0x01 Wi-Fi transceiver initialization in progress.
- case 0x02: // 0x02 Wi-Fi transceiver initialized, but not yet
- // scanning for access point.
- case 0x40: // 0x40 Waiting for WPA or WPA2 Authentication.
- case 0x41: // 0x41 Device joined a network and is waiting for IP
- // configuration to complete
- case 0x42: // 0x42 Device is joined, IP is configured, and listening
- // sockets are being set up.
- case 0xFF: // 0xFF Device is currently scanning for the configured
- // SSID.
- break;
- case 0x13: // 0x13 Disconnecting from access point.
- restart(); // Restart the device; the S6B tends to get stuck
- // "disconnecting"
- break;
- case 0x23: // 0x23 SSID not configured.
- break;
- case 0x24: // 0x24 Encryption key invalid (either NULL or invalid
- // length for WEP).
- case 0x27: // 0x27 SSID was found, but join failed.
- stat = REG_DENIED;
- break;
- default: stat = REG_UNKNOWN; break;
- }
- break;
- }
- default: { // Cellular XBee's
- switch (intRes) {
- case 0x00: // 0x00 Connected to the Internet.
- stat = REG_OK;
- break;
- case 0x22: // 0x22 Registering to cellular network.
- case 0x23: // 0x23 Connecting to the Internet.
- case 0xFF: // 0xFF Initializing.
- break;
- case 0x24: // 0x24 The cellular component is missing, corrupt, or
- // otherwise in error.
- case 0x2B: // 0x2B USB Direct active.
- case 0x2C: // 0x2C Cellular component is in PSM (power save mode).
- stat = REG_UNKNOWN;
- break;
- case 0x25: // 0x25 Cellular network registration denied.
- stat = REG_DENIED;
- break;
- case 0x2A: // 0x2A Airplane mode.
- sendAT(GF("AM0")); // Turn off airplane mode
- waitResponse();
- writeChanges();
- stat = REG_UNKNOWN;
- break;
- case 0x2F: // 0x2F Bypass mode active.
- sendAT(GF("AP0")); // Set back to transparent mode
- waitResponse();
- writeChanges();
- stat = REG_UNKNOWN;
- break;
- default: stat = REG_UNKNOWN; break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return stat;
- }
- protected:
- int8_t getSignalQualityImpl() {
- if (beeType == XBEE_UNKNOWN)
- getSeries(); // Need to know what type of bee so we know how to ask
- if (beeType == XBEE_S6B_WIFI)
- sendAT(GF("LM")); // ask for the "link margin" - the dB above sensitivity
- else
- sendAT(GF("DB")); // ask for the cell strength in dBm
- int16_t intRes = readResponseInt();
- if (beeType == XBEE3_LTEM_ATT && intRes == 105)
- intRes = 0; // tends to reply with "69" when signal is unknown
- if (beeType == XBEE_S6B_WIFI) {
- if (intRes == 0xFF) {
- return 0; // 0xFF returned for unknown
- } else {
- return -93 + intRes; // the maximum sensitivity is -93dBm
- }
- } else {
- return -1 * intRes; // need to convert to negative number
- }
- }
- bool isNetworkConnectedImpl() {
- RegStatus s = getRegistrationStatus();
- if (s == REG_OK) {
- IPAddress ip = localIP();
- if (ip != IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0)) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- bool waitForNetworkImpl(uint32_t timeout_ms = 60000L) {
- bool retVal = false;
- for (uint32_t start = millis(); millis() - start < timeout_ms;) {
- if (isNetworkConnected()) {
- retVal = true;
- break;
- }
- delay(250); // per Neil H. - more stable with delay
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- String getLocalIPImpl() {
- sendAT(GF("MY"));
- String IPaddr;
- IPaddr.reserve(16);
- // wait for the response - this response can be very slow
- IPaddr = readResponseString(30000);
- IPaddr.trim();
- return IPaddr;
- }
- /*
- * WiFi functions
- */
- protected:
- bool networkConnectImpl(const char* ssid, const char* pwd) {
- bool retVal = true;
- // nh For no pwd don't set set security or pwd
- if (ssid == NULL) retVal = false;
- if (pwd && strlen(pwd) > 0) {
- sendAT(GF("EE"), 2); // Set security to WPA2
- if (waitResponse() != 1) retVal = false;
- sendAT(GF("PK"), pwd);
- } else {
- sendAT(GF("EE"), 0); // Set No security
- }
- if (waitResponse() != 1) retVal = false;
- sendAT(GF("ID"), ssid);
- if (waitResponse() != 1) retVal = false;
- if (!writeChanges()) retVal = false;
- return retVal;
- }
- bool networkDisconnectImpl() {
- sendAT(GF("NR0")); // Do a network reset in order to disconnect
- // WARNING: On wifi modules, using a network reset will not
- // allow the same ssid to re-join without rebooting the module.
- int8_t res = (1 == waitResponse(5000));
- writeChanges();
- return res;
- }
- /*
- * GPRS functions
- */
- protected:
- bool gprsConnectImpl(const char* apn, const char* user = NULL,
- const char* pwd = NULL) {
- if (user && strlen(user) > 0) {
- DBG("XBee's do not support SIMs that a user name/password!");
- }
- if (pwd && strlen(pwd) > 0) {
- DBG("XBee's do not support SIMs that a user name/password!");
- }
- sendAT(GF("AN"), apn); // Set the APN
- bool success = waitResponse() == 1;
- sendAT(GF("AM0")); // Airplane mode off
- waitResponse(5000);
- writeChanges();
- return success;
- }
- bool gprsDisconnectImpl() {
- sendAT(
- GF("AM1")); // Cheating and disconnecting by turning on airplane mode
- int8_t res = (1 == waitResponse(5000));
- writeChanges();
- // sendAT(GF("AM0")); // Airplane mode off
- // waitResponse(5000);
- // writeChanges();
- return res;
- }
- bool isGprsConnectedImpl() {
- return isNetworkConnected();
- }
- String getOperatorImpl() {
- return sendATGetString(GF("MN"));
- }
- /*
- * SIM card functions
- */
- protected:
- bool simUnlockImpl(const char* pin) { // Not supported
- if (pin && strlen(pin) > 0) {
- DBG("XBee's do not support SIMs that require an unlock pin!");
- }
- return false;
- }
- String getSimCCIDImpl() {
- return sendATGetString(GF("S#"));
- }
- String getIMEIImpl() {
- return sendATGetString(GF("IM"));
- }
- String getIMSIImpl() {
- return sendATGetString(GF("II"));
- }
- SimStatus getSimStatusImpl(uint32_t) {
- return SIM_READY; // unsupported
- }
- /*
- * Messaging functions
- */
- protected:
- String sendUSSDImpl(const String& code) TINY_GSM_ATTR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
- bool sendSMSImpl(const String& number, const String& text) {
- if (!commandMode()) { return false; } // Return immediately
- sendAT(GF("IP"), 2); // Put in text messaging mode
- if (waitResponse() != 1) return exitAndFail();
- sendAT(GF("PH"), number); // Set the phone number
- if (waitResponse() != 1) return exitAndFail();
- sendAT(GF("TDD")); // Set the text delimiter to the standard 0x0D (carriage
- // return)
- if (waitResponse() != 1) return exitAndFail();
- if (!writeChanges()) return exitAndFail();
- // Get out of command mode to actually send the text
- exitCommand();
- streamWrite(text);
- stream.write(
- static_cast<char>(0x0D)); // close off with the carriage return
- return true;
- }
- /*
- * Battery functions
- */
- protected:
- // Use: float vBatt = modem.getBattVoltage() / 1000.0;
- uint16_t getBattVoltageImpl() {
- int16_t intRes = 0;
- if (beeType == XBEE_UNKNOWN) getSeries();
- if (beeType == XBEE_S6B_WIFI) {
- sendAT(GF("%V"));
- intRes = readResponseInt();
- }
- return intRes;
- }
- int8_t getBattPercentImpl() TINY_GSM_ATTR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
- uint8_t getBattChargeStateImpl() TINY_GSM_ATTR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
- bool getBattStatsImpl(uint8_t& chargeState, int8_t& percent,
- uint16_t& milliVolts) {
- chargeState = 0;
- percent = 0;
- milliVolts = getBattVoltage();
- return true;
- }
- /*
- * Temperature functions
- */
- float getTemperatureImpl() {
- XBEE_COMMAND_START_DECORATOR(5, static_cast<float>(-9999))
- String res = sendATGetString(GF("TP"));
- if (res == "") { return static_cast<float>(-9999); }
- char buf[5] = {
- 0,
- };
- res.toCharArray(buf, 5);
- int8_t intRes = (int8_t)strtol(
- buf, 0,
- 16); // degrees Celsius displayed in 8-bit two's complement format.
- return static_cast<float>(intRes);
- }
- /*
- * Client related functions
- */
- protected:
- int16_t getConnectionIndicator() {
- sendAT(GF("CI"));
- int16_t intRes = readResponseInt();
- return intRes;
- }
- IPAddress getOperatingIP() {
- String strIP;
- strIP.reserve(16);
- XBEE_COMMAND_START_DECORATOR(5, IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0))
- sendAT(GF("OD"));
- strIP = stream.readStringUntil('\r'); // read result
- strIP.trim();
- if (strIP != "" && strIP != GF("ERROR")) {
- return TinyGsmIpFromString(strIP);
- } else {
- return IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- IPAddress lookupHostIP(const char* host, int timeout_s = 45) {
- String strIP;
- strIP.reserve(16);
- uint32_t startMillis = millis();
- uint32_t timeout_ms = ((uint32_t)timeout_s) * 1000;
- bool gotIP = false;
- XBEE_COMMAND_START_DECORATOR(5, IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0))
- // XBee's require a numeric IP address for connection, but do provide the
- // functionality to look up the IP address from a fully qualified domain
- // name
- // NOTE: the lookup can take a while
- while ((millis() - startMillis) < timeout_ms) {
- sendAT(GF("LA"), host);
- while (stream.available() < 4 && (millis() - startMillis < timeout_ms)) {
- }
- strIP = stream.readStringUntil('\r'); // read result
- strIP.trim();
- if (strIP != "" && strIP != GF("ERROR")) {
- gotIP = true;
- break;
- }
- delay(2500); // wait a bit before trying again
- }
- if (gotIP) {
- return TinyGsmIpFromString(strIP);
- } else {
- return IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- bool modemConnect(const char* host, uint16_t port, uint8_t mux = 0,
- bool ssl = false, int timeout_s = 75) {
- bool retVal = false;
- // If this is a new host name, replace the saved host and wipe out the saved
- // host IP
- if (this->savedHost != String(host)) {
- this->savedHost = String(host);
- savedHostIP = IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- // If we don't have a good IP for the host, we need to do a DNS search
- if (savedHostIP == IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0)) {
- // This will return if lookup fails
- savedHostIP = lookupHostIP(host, timeout_s);
- }
- // If we now have a valid IP address, use it to connect
- if (savedHostIP != IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0)) {
- // Only re-set connection information if we have an IP address
- retVal = modemConnect(savedHostIP, port, mux, ssl);
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- bool modemConnect(IPAddress ip, uint16_t port, uint8_t mux = 0,
- bool ssl = false) {
- bool success = true;
- if (mux != 0) {
- DBG("XBee only supports 1 IP channel in transparent mode!");
- }
- // empty the saved currelty-in-use destination address
- savedOperatingIP = IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0);
- if (ip != savedIP) { // Can skip almost everything if there's no
- // change in the IP address
- savedIP = ip; // Set the newly requested IP address
- String host;
- host.reserve(16);
- host += ip[0];
- host += ".";
- host += ip[1];
- host += ".";
- host += ip[2];
- host += ".";
- host += ip[3];
- if (ssl) {
- sendAT(GF("IP"), 4); // Put in SSL over TCP communication mode
- success &= (1 == waitResponse());
- } else {
- sendAT(GF("IP"), 1); // Put in TCP mode
- success &= (1 == waitResponse());
- }
- sendAT(GF("DL"), host); // Set the "Destination Address Low"
- success &= (1 == waitResponse());
- sendAT(GF("DE"), String(port, HEX)); // Set the destination port
- success &= (1 == waitResponse());
- success &= writeChanges();
- }
- // we'll accept either unknown or connected
- if (beeType != XBEE_S6B_WIFI) {
- uint16_t ci = getConnectionIndicator();
- success &= (ci == 0x00 || ci == 0xFF || ci == 0x28);
- }
- if (success) { sockets[mux]->sock_connected = true; }
- return success;
- }
- bool modemStop(uint32_t maxWaitMs) {
- streamClear(); // Empty anything in the buffer
- // empty the saved currently-in-use destination address
- savedOperatingIP = IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0);
- // Get the current socket timeout
- sendAT(GF("TM"));
- String timeoutUsed = readResponseString(5000L);
- // For WiFi models, there's no direct way to close the socket. This is a
- // hack to shut the socket by setting the timeout to zero.
- if (beeType == XBEE_S6B_WIFI) {
- sendAT(GF("TM0")); // Set socket timeout to 0
- waitResponse(maxWaitMs); // This response can be slow
- writeChanges();
- }
- // For cellular models, per documentation: If you write the TM (socket
- // timeout) value while in Transparent Mode, the current connection is
- // immediately closed - this works even if the TM values is unchanged
- sendAT(GF("TM"), timeoutUsed); // Re-set socket timeout
- waitResponse(maxWaitMs); // This response can be slow
- writeChanges();
- return true;
- }
- int16_t modemSend(const void* buff, size_t len, uint8_t mux = 0) {
- if (mux != 0) {
- DBG("XBee only supports 1 IP channel in transparent mode!");
- }
- stream.write(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(buff), len);
- stream.flush();
- if (beeType != XBEE_S6B_WIFI) {
- // After a send, verify the outgoing ip if it isn't set
- if (savedOperatingIP == IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0)) {
- modemGetConnected();
- } else if (len > 5) {
- // After sending several characters, also re-check
- // NOTE: I'm intentionally not checking after every single character!
- modemGetConnected();
- }
- }
- return len;
- }
- size_t modemRead(size_t, uint8_t) {
- return 0;
- }
- size_t modemGetAvailable(uint8_t) {
- return 0;
- }
- // NOTE: The CI command returns the status of the TCP connection as open only
- // after data has been sent on the socket. If it returns 0xFF the socket may
- // really be open, but no data has yet been sent. We return this unknown
- // value as true so there's a possibility it's wrong.
- bool modemGetConnected() {
- // If the IP address is 0, it's not valid so we can't be connected
- if (savedIP == IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0)) { return false; }
- if (beeType == XBEE_UNKNOWN)
- getSeries(); // Need to know the bee type to interpret response
- switch (beeType) {
- // The wifi be can only say if it's connected to the netowrk
- case XBEE_S6B_WIFI: {
- RegStatus s = getRegistrationStatus();
- if (s != REG_OK) {
- sockets[0]->sock_connected = false; // no multiplex
- }
- return (s == REG_OK); // if it's connected, we hope the sockets are too
- }
- // Cellular XBee's
- default: {
- int16_t ci = getConnectionIndicator();
- // Get the operating destination address
- IPAddress od = getOperatingIP();
- switch (ci) {
- // 0x00 = The socket is definitely open
- case 0x00: {
- savedOperatingIP = od;
- // but it's possible the socket is set to the wrong place
- if (od != IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0) && od != savedIP) {
- sockets[0]->stop();
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- // 0x28 = "Unknown."
- // 0xFF = No known status - always returned prior to sending data
- case 0x28:
- case 0xFF: {
- // If we previously had an operating destination and we no longer
- // do, the socket must have closed
- if (od == IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0) &&
- savedOperatingIP != IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0)) {
- savedOperatingIP = od;
- sockets[0]->sock_connected = false;
- return false;
- } else if (od != IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0) && od != savedIP) {
- // else if the operating destination exists, but is wrong
- // we need to close and re-open
- sockets[0]->stop();
- return false;
- } else if (od != IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0) && od == savedIP) {
- // else if the operating destination exists and matches, we're
- // good to go
- savedOperatingIP = od;
- return true;
- } else {
- // If we never had an operating destination, then sock may be open
- // but data never sent - this is the dreaded "we don't know"
- savedOperatingIP = od;
- return true;
- }
- // // Ask for information about any open sockets
- // sendAT(GF("SI"));
- // String open_socks = stream.readStringUntil('\r');
- // open_socks.replace(GSM_NL, "");
- // open_socks.trim();
- // if (open_socks != "") {
- // // In transparent mode, only socket 0 should be possible
- // sendAT(GF("SI0"));
- // // read socket it
- // String sock_id = stream.readStringUntil('\r');
- // // read socket state
- // String sock_state = stream.readStringUntil('\r');
- // // read socket protocol (TCP/UDP)
- // String sock_protocol = stream.readStringUntil('\r');
- // // read local port number
- // String local_port = stream.readStringUntil('\r');
- // // read remote port number
- // String remote_port = stream.readStringUntil('\r');
- // // read remote ip address
- // String remoted_address =
- // stream.readStringUntil('\r'); // read result
- // streamSkipUntil('\r'); // final carriage return
- // }
- }
- // 0x21 = User closed
- // 0x27 = Connection lost
- // If the connection is lost or timed out on our side,
- // we force close so it can reopen
- case 0x21:
- case 0x27: {
- sendAT(GF("TM")); // Get socket timeout
- String timeoutUsed = readResponseString(5000L);
- sendAT(GF("TM"), timeoutUsed); // Re-set socket timeout
- waitResponse(5000L); // This response can be slow
- }
- // 0x02 = Invalid parameters (bad IP/host)
- // 0x12 = DNS query lookup failure
- // 0x25 = Unknown server - DNS lookup failed (0x22 for UDP socket!)
- // fall through
- case 0x02:
- case 0x12:
- case 0x25: {
- savedIP = IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0); // force a lookup next time!
- }
- // If it's anything else (inc 0x02, 0x12, and 0x25)...
- // it's definitely NOT connected
- // fall through
- default: {
- sockets[0]->sock_connected = false;
- savedOperatingIP = od;
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Utilities
- */
- public:
- void streamClear(void) {
- while (stream.available()) {
- stream.read();
- }
- }
- // TODO(vshymanskyy): Optimize this!
- // NOTE: This function is used while INSIDE command mode, so we're only
- // waiting for requested responses. The XBee has no unsoliliced responses
- // (URC's) when in command mode.
- int8_t waitResponse(uint32_t timeout_ms, String& data,
- GsmConstStr r1 = GFP(GSM_OK),
- GsmConstStr r2 = GFP(GSM_ERROR), GsmConstStr r3 = NULL,
- GsmConstStr r4 = NULL, GsmConstStr r5 = NULL) {
- /*String r1s(r1); r1s.trim();
- String r2s(r2); r2s.trim();
- String r3s(r3); r3s.trim();
- String r4s(r4); r4s.trim();
- String r5s(r5); r5s.trim();
- DBG("### ..:", r1s, ",", r2s, ",", r3s, ",", r4s, ",", r5s);*/
- data.reserve(16); // Should never be getting much here for the XBee
- int8_t index = 0;
- uint32_t startMillis = millis();
- do {
- while (stream.available() > 0) {
- int8_t a = stream.read();
- if (a <= 0) continue; // Skip 0x00 bytes, just in case
- data += static_cast<char>(a);
- if (r1 && data.endsWith(r1)) {
- index = 1;
- goto finish;
- } else if (r2 && data.endsWith(r2)) {
- index = 2;
- goto finish;
- } else if (r3 && data.endsWith(r3)) {
- index = 3;
- goto finish;
- } else if (r4 && data.endsWith(r4)) {
- index = 4;
- goto finish;
- } else if (r5 && data.endsWith(r5)) {
- index = 5;
- goto finish;
- }
- }
- } while (millis() - startMillis < timeout_ms);
- finish:
- if (!index) {
- data.trim();
- data.replace(GSM_NL GSM_NL, GSM_NL);
- data.replace(GSM_NL, "\r\n ");
- if (data.length()) {
- DBG("### Unhandled:", data, "\r\n");
- } else {
- }
- } else {
- data.trim();
- data.replace(GSM_NL GSM_NL, GSM_NL);
- data.replace(GSM_NL, "\r\n ");
- }
- // data.replace(GSM_NL, "/");
- // DBG('<', index, '>', data);
- return index;
- }
- int8_t waitResponse(uint32_t timeout_ms, GsmConstStr r1 = GFP(GSM_OK),
- GsmConstStr r2 = GFP(GSM_ERROR), GsmConstStr r3 = NULL,
- GsmConstStr r4 = NULL, GsmConstStr r5 = NULL) {
- String data;
- return waitResponse(timeout_ms, data, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5);
- }
- int8_t waitResponse(GsmConstStr r1 = GFP(GSM_OK),
- GsmConstStr r2 = GFP(GSM_ERROR), GsmConstStr r3 = NULL,
- GsmConstStr r4 = NULL, GsmConstStr r5 = NULL) {
- return waitResponse(1000, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5);
- }
- bool commandMode(uint8_t retries = 5) {
- // If we're already in command mode, move on
- if (inCommandMode && (millis() - lastCommandModeMillis) < 10000L)
- return true;
- uint8_t triesMade = 0;
- uint8_t triesUntilReset = 4; // only reset after 4 failures
- bool success = false;
- streamClear(); // Empty everything in the buffer before starting
- while (!success && triesMade < retries) {
- // Cannot send anything for 1 "guard time" before entering command mode
- // Default guard time is 1s, but the init fxn decreases it to 100 ms
- delay(guardTime + 10);
- streamWrite(GF("+++")); // enter command mode
- int8_t res = waitResponse(guardTime * 2);
- success = (1 == res);
- if (0 == res) {
- triesUntilReset--;
- if (triesUntilReset == 0) {
- triesUntilReset = 4;
- pinReset(); // if it's unresponsive, reset
- delay(250); // a short delay to allow it to come back up
- // TODO(SRGDamia1) optimize this
- }
- }
- triesMade++;
- }
- if (success) {
- inCommandMode = true;
- lastCommandModeMillis = millis();
- }
- return success;
- }
- bool writeChanges(void) {
- sendAT(GF("WR")); // Write changes to flash
- if (1 != waitResponse()) { return false; }
- sendAT(GF("AC")); // Apply changes
- if (1 != waitResponse()) { return false; }
- return true;
- }
- void exitCommand(void) {
- // NOTE: Here we explicitely try to exit command mode
- // even if the internal flag inCommandMode was already false
- sendAT(GF("CN")); // Exit command mode
- waitResponse();
- inCommandMode = false;
- }
- bool exitAndFail(void) {
- exitCommand(); // Exit command mode
- return false;
- }
- void getSeries(void) {
- sendAT(GF("HS")); // Get the "Hardware Series";
- int16_t intRes = readResponseInt();
- beeType = (XBeeType)intRes;
- DBG(GF("### Modem: "), getModemName());
- }
- String readResponseString(uint32_t timeout_ms = 1000) {
- uint32_t startMillis = millis();
- while (!stream.available() && millis() - startMillis < timeout_ms) {}
- String res =
- stream.readStringUntil('\r'); // lines end with carriage returns
- res.trim();
- return res;
- }
- int16_t readResponseInt(uint32_t timeout_ms = 1000) {
- String res = readResponseString(
- timeout_ms); // it just works better reading a string first
- if (res == "") res = "FF";
- char buf[5] = {
- 0,
- };
- res.toCharArray(buf, 5);
- int16_t intRes = strtol(buf, 0, 16);
- return intRes;
- }
- String sendATGetString(GsmConstStr cmd) {
- sendAT(cmd);
- String res = readResponseString();
- return res;
- }
- bool gotIPforSavedHost() {
- if (savedHost != "" && savedHostIP != IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0))
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- protected:
- Stream& stream;
- GsmClientXBee* sockets[TINY_GSM_MUX_COUNT];
- const char* gsmNL = GSM_NL;
- int16_t guardTime;
- XBeeType beeType;
- int8_t resetPin;
- IPAddress savedIP;
- String savedHost;
- IPAddress savedHostIP;
- IPAddress savedOperatingIP;
- bool inCommandMode;
- uint32_t lastCommandModeMillis;
- };