@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ TinyGSM pulls data gently from the modem (whenever possible), so it can operate
- Check your ballance
- Check that APN,User,Pass are correct and you have internet
2. Ensure the SIM card is correctly inserted into the module
3. Provide a good, [stable power supply](wiki/Powering-GSM-module) (up to 2A, 4.0-4.2V or 5V according to your module documentation)
3. Provide a good, [stable power supply](https://github.com/vshymanskyy/TinyGSM/wiki/Powering-GSM-module) (up to 2A, 4.0-4.2V or 5V according to your module documentation)
4. Check if serial connection is working (Hardware Serial is recommended)
Send an ```AT``` command using [this sketch](tools/AT_Debug/AT_Debug.ino)