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re-write some of xbee to minimize flash writes

Signed-off-by: Sara Damiano <>
Sara Damiano 3 years ago
1 changed files with 187 additions and 87 deletions
  1. +187

+ 187
- 87
src/TinyGsmClientXBee.h View File

@ -329,25 +329,43 @@ class TinyGsmXBee : public TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmXBee>,
digitalWrite(resetPin, HIGH);
if (pin && strlen(pin) > 0) {
DBG("XBee's do not support SIMs that require an unlock pin!");
sendAT(GF("AP0")); // Put in transparent mode
bool ret_val = waitResponse() == 1;
bool changesMade = false;
bool ret_val = true;
sendAT(GF("GT64")); // shorten the guard time to 100ms
ret_val &= waitResponse() == 1;
if (ret_val) guardTime = 110;
// if there's a pin, we need to re-write to flash each time
if (pin && strlen(pin) > 0) {
sendAT(GF("PN"), pin);
if (waitResponse() != 1) {
ret_val = false;
} else {
changesMade = true;
// Put in transparent mode, if it isn't already
changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("AP"), 0);
// shorten the guard time to 100ms, if it was anything else
if (readResponseInt() != 64) {
sendAT(GF("GT"), 64);
ret_val &= waitResponse() == 1;
if (ret_val) {
guardTime = 110;
changesMade = true;
} else {
guardTime = 110;
// Make sure the command mode drop-out time is long enough that we won't
// fall out of command mode without intentionally leaving it. This is the
// default drop out time of 0x64 x 100ms (10 seconds)
ret_val &= waitResponse() == 1;
ret_val &= writeChanges();
changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("CT"), 64);
if (changesMade) { ret_val &= writeChanges(); }
getSeries(); // Get the "Hardware Series";
@ -362,25 +380,28 @@ class TinyGsmXBee : public TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmXBee>,
void setBaudImpl(uint32_t baud) {
bool changesMade = false;
switch (baud) {
case 2400: sendAT(GF("BD1")); break;
case 4800: sendAT(GF("BD2")); break;
case 9600: sendAT(GF("BD3")); break;
case 19200: sendAT(GF("BD4")); break;
case 38400: sendAT(GF("BD5")); break;
case 57600: sendAT(GF("BD6")); break;
case 115200: sendAT(GF("BD7")); break;
case 230400: sendAT(GF("BD8")); break;
case 460800: sendAT(GF("BD9")); break;
case 921600: sendAT(GF("BDA")); break;
case 2400: changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("BD"), 1); break;
case 4800: changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("BD"), 2); break;
case 9600: changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("BD"), 3); break;
case 19200: changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("BD"), 4); break;
case 38400: changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("BD"), 5); break;
case 57600: changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("BD"), 6); break;
case 115200: changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("BD"), 7); break;
case 230400: changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("BD"), 8); break;
case 460800: changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("BD"), 9); break;
case 921600:
changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("BD"), String("A"));
default: {
DBG(GF("Specified baud rate is unsupported! Setting to 9600 baud."));
sendAT(GF("BD3")); // Set to default of 9600
changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("BD"),
3); // Set to default of 9600
if (changesMade) { writeChanges(); }
@ -533,20 +554,21 @@ class TinyGsmXBee : public TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmXBee>,
if (beeType == XBEE_UNKNOWN) getSeries(); // Command depends on series
sendAT(GF("SM"), 1); // Pin sleep
bool changesMade = false;
// Pin sleep
changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("SM"), 1);
if (beeType == XBEE_S6B_WIFI && !maintainAssociation) {
sendAT(GF("SO"), 200); // For lowest power, dissassociated deep sleep
// For lowest power, dissassociated deep sleep
changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("SO"), 200);
} else if (!maintainAssociation) {
1); // For supported cellular modules, maintain association
// Not supported by all modules, will return "ERROR"
// For supported cellular modules, maintain association
// Not supported by all modules, will return "ERROR"
changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("SO"), 1);
if (changesMade) { writeChanges(); }
@ -555,6 +577,7 @@ class TinyGsmXBee : public TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmXBee>,
bool ret_val = waitResponse(120000L) == 1;
// make sure we're really shut down
if (ret_val) { ret_val &= (sendATGetString(GF("AI")) == "2D"); }
return ret_val;
@ -562,12 +585,13 @@ class TinyGsmXBee : public TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmXBee>,
// Enable airplane mode
bool radioOffImpl() {
bool success = true;
bool changesMade = false;
int8_t res = (1 == waitResponse(5000));
changesMade = changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("AM"), 1, 5000L);
if (changesMade) { success = writeChanges(); }
return res;
return success;
bool sleepEnableImpl(bool enable = true) TINY_GSM_ATTR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
@ -742,25 +766,33 @@ class TinyGsmXBee : public TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmXBee>,
bool networkConnectImpl(const char* ssid, const char* pwd) {
bool retVal = true;
bool changesMade = false;
bool retVal = true;
// nh For no pwd don't set set security or pwd
if (ssid == NULL) retVal = false;
changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("ID"), ssid);
if (pwd && strlen(pwd) > 0) {
sendAT(GF("EE"), 2); // Set security to WPA2
if (waitResponse() != 1) retVal = false;
// Set security to WPA2
changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("EE"), 2);
// set the password
// the wifi bee will NOT return the previously set password,
// so we have no way of knowing if the passwords has changed
// and must re-write to flash each time
sendAT(GF("PK"), pwd);
if (waitResponse() != 1) {
retVal = false;
} else {
changesMade = true;
} else {
sendAT(GF("EE"), 0); // Set No security
changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("EE"), 0); // Set No security
if (waitResponse() != 1) retVal = false;
sendAT(GF("ID"), ssid);
if (waitResponse() != 1) retVal = false;
if (!writeChanges()) retVal = false;
if (changesMade) { retVal &= writeChanges(); }
@ -784,36 +816,48 @@ class TinyGsmXBee : public TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmXBee>,
bool gprsConnectImpl(const char* apn, const char* user = NULL,
const char* pwd = NULL) {
bool success = true;
bool success = true;
bool changesMade = false;
// the cellular bees will NOT return the previously set username or
// password, so we have no way of knowing if they have changed
// and must re-write to flash each time
if (user && strlen(user) > 0) {
sendAT(GF("CU"), user); // Set the user for the APN
success &= waitResponse() == 1;
if (waitResponse() != 1) {
success = false;
} else {
changesMade = true;
if (pwd && strlen(pwd) > 0) {
sendAT(GF("CW"), pwd); // Set the password for the APN
success &= waitResponse() == 1;
if (waitResponse() != 1) {
success = false;
} else {
changesMade = true;
sendAT(GF("AN"), apn); // Set the APN
success &= waitResponse() == 1;
sendAT(GF("AM0")); // Airplane mode off
changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("AN"), String(apn)); // Set the APN
changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("AM"), 0,
5000L); // Airplane mode off
if (changesMade) { success = writeChanges(); }
return success;
bool gprsDisconnectImpl() {
bool success = true;
GF("AM1")); // Cheating and disconnecting by turning on airplane mode
int8_t res = (1 == waitResponse(5000));
// sendAT(GF("AM0")); // Airplane mode off
// waitResponse(5000);
// writeChanges();
// Cheating and disconnecting by turning on airplane mode
bool changesMade = changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("AM"), 1, 5000L);
if (changesMade) { success = writeChanges(); }
return res;
return success;
bool isGprsConnectedImpl() {
@ -828,7 +872,7 @@ class TinyGsmXBee : public TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmXBee>,
* SIM card functions
bool simUnlockImpl(const char* pin) { // Not supported
bool simUnlockImpl(const char* pin) {
if (pin && strlen(pin) > 0) {
sendAT(GF("PN"), pin);
return waitResponse() == 1;
@ -859,17 +903,44 @@ class TinyGsmXBee : public TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmXBee>,
String sendUSSDImpl(const String& code) TINY_GSM_ATTR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
bool sendSMSImpl(const String& number, const String& text) {
bool ret_val = true;
bool changesMade = false;
if (!commandMode()) { return false; } // Return immediately
sendAT(GF("IP"), 2); // Put in text messaging mode
if (waitResponse() != 1) return exitAndFail();
sendAT(GF("PH"), number); // Set the phone number
if (waitResponse() != 1) return exitAndFail();
sendAT(GF("TDD")); // Set the text delimiter to the standard 0x0D (carriage
// return)
if (waitResponse() != 1) return exitAndFail();
sendAT(GF("IP")); // check mode
if (readResponseInt() != 2) {
sendAT(GF("IP"), 2); // Put in text messaging mode
if (waitResponse() != 1) {
return exitAndFail();
} else {
changesMade = true;
sendAT(GF("PH")); // check last number
if (readResponseString() != String(number)) {
sendAT(GF("PH"), number); // Set the phone number
if (waitResponse() != 1) {
return exitAndFail();
} else {
changesMade = true;
sendAT(GF("TD")); // check the text delimiter
if (readResponseString() != String("D")) {
sendAT(GF("TDD")); // Set the text delimiter to the standard 0x0D
//(carriage return)
if (waitResponse() != 1) {
return exitAndFail();
} else {
changesMade = true;
if (!writeChanges()) return exitAndFail();
if (changesMade) {
if (!writeChanges()) return exitAndFail();
// Get out of command mode to actually send the text
@ -1021,13 +1092,14 @@ class TinyGsmXBee : public TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmXBee>,
bool modemConnect(IPAddress ip, uint16_t port, uint8_t mux = 0,
bool ssl = false) {
bool success = true;
bool success = true;
bool changesMade = false;
if (mux != 0) {
DBG("XBee only supports 1 IP channel in transparent mode!");
// empty the saved currelty-in-use destination address
// empty the saved currenty-in-use destination address
savedOperatingIP = IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0);
@ -1046,19 +1118,19 @@ class TinyGsmXBee : public TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmXBee>,
host += ip[3];
if (ssl) {
sendAT(GF("IP"), 4); // Put in SSL over TCP communication mode
success &= (1 == waitResponse());
// Put in SSL over TCP communication mode
changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("IP"), 4);
} else {
sendAT(GF("IP"), 1); // Put in TCP mode
success &= (1 == waitResponse());
// Put in TCP mode
changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(GF("IP"), 1);
sendAT(GF("DL"), host); // Set the "Destination Address Low"
success &= (1 == waitResponse());
sendAT(GF("DE"), String(port, HEX)); // Set the destination port
success &= (1 == waitResponse());
changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(
GF("DL"), host); // Set the "Destination Address Low"
changesMade |= changeSettingIfNeeded(
GF("DE"), String(port, HEX)); // Set the destination port
success &= writeChanges();
if (changesMade) { success &= writeChanges(); }
// we'll accept either unknown or connected
@ -1114,11 +1186,11 @@ class TinyGsmXBee : public TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmXBee>,
if (beeType != XBEE_S6B_WIFI) {
// After a send, verify the outgoing ip if it isn't set
if (savedOperatingIP == IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0)) {
} else if (len > 5) {
// After sending several characters, also re-check
// NOTE: I'm intentionally not checking after every single character!
@ -1436,6 +1508,34 @@ class TinyGsmXBee : public TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmXBee>,
return res;
bool changeSettingIfNeeded(GsmConstStr cmd, uint16_t newValue,
uint32_t timeout_ms = 1000L) {
if (readResponseInt() != newValue) {
sendAT(cmd, newValue);
// return false if we attempted to change but failed
if (waitResponse(timeout_ms) != 1) { return false; }
// return true if we succeeded in staging a change
return true;
// return false if no change is needed
return false;
bool changeSettingIfNeeded(GsmConstStr cmd, String newValue,
uint32_t timeout_ms = 1000L) {
if (readResponseString() != newValue) {
sendAT(cmd, newValue);
// return false if we attempted to change but failed
if (waitResponse(timeout_ms) != 1) { return false; }
// return true if we succeeded in staging a change
return true;
// return false if no change is needed
return false;
bool gotIPforSavedHost() {
if (savedHost != "" && savedHostIP != IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0))
return true;
