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Implement BG96 temp and GNSS

Signed-off-by: Sara Damiano <>
Sara Damiano 5 years ago
1 changed files with 130 additions and 1 deletions
  1. +130

+ 130
- 1
src/TinyGsmClientBG96.h View File

@ -18,9 +18,11 @@
#include "TinyGsmBattery.tpp"
#include "TinyGsmCalling.tpp"
#include "TinyGsmGPRS.tpp"
#include "TinyGsmGPS.tpp"
#include "TinyGsmModem.tpp"
#include "TinyGsmSMS.tpp"
#include "TinyGsmTCP.tpp"
#include "TinyGsmTemperature.tpp"
#include "TinyGsmTime.tpp"
#define GSM_NL "\r\n"
@ -46,14 +48,18 @@ class TinyGsmBG96 : public TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmBG96>,
public TinyGsmCalling<TinyGsmBG96>,
public TinyGsmSMS<TinyGsmBG96>,
public TinyGsmTime<TinyGsmBG96>,
public TinyGsmBattery<TinyGsmBG96> {
public TinyGsmGPS<TinyGsmBG96>,
public TinyGsmBattery<TinyGsmBG96>,
public TinyGsmTemperature<TinyGsmBG96> {
friend class TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmBG96>;
friend class TinyGsmGPRS<TinyGsmBG96>;
friend class TinyGsmTCP<TinyGsmBG96, TINY_GSM_MUX_COUNT>;
friend class TinyGsmCalling<TinyGsmBG96>;
friend class TinyGsmSMS<TinyGsmBG96>;
friend class TinyGsmTime<TinyGsmBG96>;
friend class TinyGsmGPS<TinyGsmBG96>;
friend class TinyGsmBattery<TinyGsmBG96>;
friend class TinyGsmTemperature<TinyGsmBG96>;
* Inner Client
@ -287,6 +293,109 @@ class TinyGsmBG96 : public TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmBG96>,
// Follows all messaging functions per template
* GSM Location functions
// NOTE: As of application firmware version triangulated
// locations can be obtained via the QuecLocator service and accompanying AT
// commands. As this is a separate paid service which I do not have access
// to, I am not implementing it here.
* GPS/GNSS/GLONASS location functions
// enable GPS
bool enableGPSImpl() {
if (waitResponse() != 1) { return false; }
return true;
bool disableGPSImpl() {
if (waitResponse() != 1) { return false; }
return true;
// get the RAW GPS output
String getGPSrawImpl() {
if (waitResponse(10000L, GF(GSM_NL "+QGPSLOC:")) != 1) { return ""; }
String res = stream.readStringUntil('\n');
return res;
// get GPS informations
bool getGPSImpl(float* lat, float* lon, float* speed = 0, int* alt = 0,
int* vsat = 0, int* usat = 0, float* accuracy = 0,
int* year = 0, int* month = 0, int* day = 0, int* hour = 0,
int* minute = 0, int* second = 0) {
if (waitResponse(10000L, GF(GSM_NL "+QGPSLOC:")) != 1) {
// NOTE: Will return an error if the position isn't fixed
return false;
// init variables
float ilat = 0;
float ilon = 0;
float ispeed = 0;
float ialt = 0;
int iusat = 0;
float iaccuracy = 0;
int iyear = 0;
int imonth = 0;
int iday = 0;
int ihour = 0;
int imin = 0;
float secondWithSS = 0;
// UTC date & Time
ihour = streamGetIntLength(2); // Two digit hour
imin = streamGetIntLength(2); // Two digit minute
secondWithSS = streamGetFloatBefore(','); // 6 digit second with subseconds
ilat = streamGetFloatBefore(','); // Latitude
ilon = streamGetFloatBefore(','); // Longitude
iaccuracy = streamGetFloatBefore(','); // Horizontal precision
ialt = streamGetFloatBefore(','); // Altitude from sea level
streamSkipUntil(','); // GNSS positioning mode
streamSkipUntil(','); // Course Over Ground based on true north
streamSkipUntil(','); // Speed Over Ground in Km/h
ispeed = streamGetFloatBefore(','); // Speed Over Ground in knots
iday = streamGetIntLength(2); // Two digit day
imonth = streamGetIntLength(2); // Two digit month
iyear = streamGetIntBefore(','); // Two digit year
iusat = streamGetIntBefore(','); // Number of satellites,
streamSkipUntil('\n'); // The error code of the operation. If it is not
// 0, it is the type of error.
// Set pointers
if (lat != NULL) *lat = ilat;
if (lon != NULL) *lon = ilon;
if (speed != NULL) *speed = ispeed;
if (alt != NULL) *alt = static_cast<int>(ialt);
if (vsat != NULL) *vsat = 0;
if (usat != NULL) *usat = iusat;
if (accuracy != NULL) *accuracy = iaccuracy;
if (iyear < 2000) iyear += 2000;
if (year != NULL) *year = iyear;
if (month != NULL) *month = imonth;
if (day != NULL) *day = iday;
if (hour != NULL) *hour = ihour;
if (minute != NULL) *minute = imin;
if (second != NULL) *second = static_cast<int>(secondWithSS);
waitResponse(); // Final OK
return true;
* Time functions
@ -296,6 +405,26 @@ class TinyGsmBG96 : public TinyGsmModem<TinyGsmBG96>,
* Battery functions
// Can follow CBC as in the template
* Temperature functions
// get temperature in degree celsius
uint16_t getTemperatureImpl() {
if (waitResponse(GF(GSM_NL "+QTEMP:")) != 1) { return 0; }
// return temperature in C
uint16_t res =
streamGetIntBefore(','); // read PMIC (primary ic) temperature
streamSkipUntil(','); // skip XO temperature ??
streamSkipUntil('\n'); // skip PA temperature ??
// Wait for final OK
return res;
* Client related functions
